Wednesday, September 28, 2011


1 (& others) would trade these devices that showed our emotions and general disposition on a screen and then forcing the person holding it to experience it. Then I was in a mansion for My best friends's Birthday party. There was something about her parents trying to rush her out the door and her not really having time for me.
Suddenly I was a woman in a town I do not know. These hawk-like creatures attacked and started taking some of the people and animals away. They were great giant birds. We were their food. They met with our council and they changed form into men. I was there. They said they were sorry for feeding on our people and said some of the men would sacrifice their freedom and live in our town to stay human and never fly, as a penance for what they had done. One man was stationed to my home. he tried to help me but I never was paying attention. I was looking at the sky all the time and he got angry with me. He would throw the food at me and I was so confused. He said he was sorry but then crumpled to the floor. I cleaned it all up and tried to share some but he kept knocking it all away. And I turned he saw my back and I felt blood dripping. It was bloody and scarred. He was suddenly at my back inspecting my bones that were jutting out. he was horrified and then immediately we sat down and he began an interrogation of me. I couldn't speak to say I was confused and I didn't know this woman I was. But I could say My Name Is Autumn. I told him I came here but they wouldn't let me fly so they came and held me down and tore my wings away with horses and chains. I relived that scene to the fullest. Then I woke up.

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