Wednesday, September 28, 2011


In washington, tornados are everywhere and it is flooding. They tel me to pack my things and it is not the room I have now, but it has all my stuff in it. We barely make it before it is demolished. me, a little girl and a man. I notice I think I am older too. We drive till we hit water and catch a boat. We get to an old fashioned hotel. There is no one there. We climb to the top of a hill outside and look around to see what is going on. Everything is covered by tornados in a bird's eye view. They are short and wide tornados and they are jumping around like something from Disney' Fantasia. They hop over a the Columbia, but I do not care. No one I know or love is there for some reason. The man with me says we need to get to Kilgari. The little girl starts to wave down some soldiers but they yell telling us they are going to the port. We can leave with them. I feel relief just as I see a small tornado burn down the hotel...interesting. It turns to look at us and it is suddenly a bunch of large men. I am confused. I wake up.

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