Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I went to a concert with my boyfriend. While waiting in line he went to the bathroom and never came back. When I got inside and found our booth, I faked my name and got a first class seating and perks. The name I used was Nina something and they looked my name up, saw her picture and when I looked in a mirror I looked like her. I had short brown hair and was shorter and wearing pink of all things. I reached my box and Woody Allen was sitting there and knew me. Another person was there as well and I didn't know him at all. I didn't even remember who was playing at the concert.
I woke up for a bit.
Went back to sleep and dreampt about my dad giving me my presents. He gave me a cardboard box with my brother in it. then my brother handed me a MAC book! I was so pissed when I woke up.
(However, three hours after I woke up my father really did bring me in a mac book...0.o What fuck.)

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