Wednesday, March 28, 2012


My boyfriend was going to this radio station to talk about the band. When we got there I was waiting outside on a couch and this guy was there who attacked me once. He was being really nice, but then my boyfriend came out and kicked him in the face and tried to kill him. I woke up before I figured out what happened.

Friday, March 23, 2012


I was in my same neighborhood, but I knew everyone. It had the feel of that movie Chocolat. I had made some kind of dish for a dinner or party and I called the host. She said I should just come over. I was suddenly very nervous, like I was trying to impress people in the party. I was hoping to see someone, someone I was nervous to see. As I walked up to the house on the other side of the neighborhood I could see strung up lights in a screened room. It looked beautiful. There were plants everywhere inside and chinese lanterns on the ceiling. The tables had a warm glow to each of them from a candle dish and there were little balloons everywhere. She called from the inside of the kitchen that I should just set it down and come help her with the little ones, when suddenly a burst of small children cam careening out and threw themselves at me. I was instantly better feeling and they handed me my hoolahoop. They kept telling me I was to hoop and tugging my hands outside. I hooped for a bit and once they were all yelling and happy I tried something new. Three hoop and me. It didn't work and they all kept laughing and dancing around me. Suddenly someone was walking up the street towards me and my heart crashed into the bottom of the cage that is my ribs and I stopped. The hoop clattering to the floor. The children picked it up and ran off to do something and I just stood there. And right as the person was about to reach me and say something, the phone rang and it was work asking me if I could come in early. I said yes of course and forgot about the dream.

Friday, March 16, 2012


I was a daughter in a nobel family and my sister was a beauty. A prince came but saw me hunting along the woods by our castle. He helped me bring down a large animal. He was coming to court my sister, but she didn't want to marry anyone, out of shyness. She was younger and I always protected her. So I stole her away to a tower in the woods by a great river. The tower was like a large circular room with stairs twisting up either side and a room for royalty beneath each beginning of stairs. However, it was abandoned and almost a ruin. There was an old window in the top and the sun came raging through it in the morning with little specks of dust landing right on my bed in the royal room. We hid and he came but when I came out to fight him he embraced me and kissed me saying he would never fight me. But his men followed and with only one night together waking up to the sun on his face. We all had to run along the river, attacked by seals and barely escaping onto a city street.


Compeltely covered in safe strong arms.

Rebellion! Me and my father are the beginning troups in a revolt on mt. Bachelor which has a secret military compound in it. We drive by the lights and smash them with bricks. We here men coming so we slide into the rocks to hide. Other men slide, after my boyfriend notices one of them is his friend grant. He leads us with a smile to the underground rebel city where we all bartar for stuff. me and my father talk about the rebellion 
     "I hope [my uncle and niece] aren't on the mountain. Though after this they wont have much competition"
Then we explode out

In a hotel on the sea cliffs. Boys and girls seperate. A woman-the embodiment of sexual repression screams about me "sneaking into another room with a boy!"
I scream right back until she cries and crumbles into dust. I am disgusted and kick it away. Me and my brother do a wonderful ballet with a younger girl and my boyfriend.


I arrived at a get together and saw, hugged and greated everyone from camp. Searching I found my godbrother. He hugged me for about twenty minutes. When I woke up I had this emense feeling of "okay, everyone knows I am busy"


Dreamed of this beautiful house in the countryside. With short trees, and long green grasses. Cold and light. It was beautiful land. The house was cream and dark wood on the inside. It was old, so old. It held old life in it. It had beautifully carved wood. It was an old english style. Like from pride and prejudice. Small, but large for us. Me, my godbrother and godsister are in the house. She is trying to help me into coaxing him into eating some potato to get him well. he hands me a baby and agrees to eat the potato. We all giggle and I look down at my babe. So strange that peace. Another world entirely from the one I know.


I was in a house with people who seem to be trapt. I have a baby in my arms, it is not mine, but I know I am related. I am scared. But I cannot leave, or wont. Then my boyfriend comes in… everyone is scared. he cuts my moms face. I was so angry and scared. Then everyone acts like everything is normal. They ask me why i am so angry. Then they say how lucky I am to be with such a wonderful man. But I know he is going to kill me.


A strange State…
Deaming. I am awake, not very restful and hardly lucid…
Something about numbers everywhere.


….I felt completely insane, but I cannot or the life of me remember what the dream was.


Three of us and we are…mutants? And we have to navigate through the waters…like the track in Sinbad.


2 other brides. They shot our sisters int he van after the governor chose us, Ashely was there. First time I was so close to a book I had read.


I was climbing on a clock and I am trying to obtain golden apples throughout the gears. Beautiful nude figures covered in this skin of marble and golden ribbons and lace throughout and they are all holding on to some apples. Then a coive tells me that I have to go farther for the real apple and I climb into these vines of gold and marble. there are snakes all over, crawling on me. I say that it is okay, 'Throven' will be controlling them. then I woke up reaching for an apple.


I was kissed by J and he told me he was sorry but if I didn't meet him at parks mall he would hurt me somehow. And then I dreamed I was in a wedding competition. If we loved each other enough we could get married. I had repunzel hair with leaves and flowers in it. It was very realistic and evoked many of the senses.


I could not dream. This worried me. I dreamed that I would not dream. I dreamed that I lay in blackness for hours and hours.


Me and the girls are in a jail. We go to the bathroom to plan on escape. We tell some guy at a counter we aren't registered yet and he sends us to the front of the line, so we just walk right back out the front door. But to me it seemed like ages…I was so afraid. The escape some how else, and my boyfriend is there to help me. We steal a giant pink wan and start driving. Then we pull over to a cabin. We burn the can and it was an amazing blaze. I watch the flames, and I watch the blackening of the rusted, decaying van and I realize that we have just stranded our selves.


I can't remember the entire dream, but at one point I was running along sand, like wet sand, and then I fell to the ground and shoved my hands down and grabbed the sand in fistfuls and pulled it out. Then a man came from out of the crashing waves and I realized that it was raining. He came to me and clasped my hands to hull me up to my feet. Then he lightly leaned his forehead on mine and then pulled me at a run to the crush. I knew it was the Pacific coast of America or another cliff ridden, hard crashing and strong currant sea. We were immediately encased in water, but he somehow was standing in front of me and smiled. Then I awoke.


I beat the shit out of some short haired look alive who was trying to cook for my family. Was incredibly violent, we couldn't get a hold of eachother. I slammed her head into the counter and she threw me to the ground until my head was filled with lights. I had hardly any force in my head as I tried to head-butt her. I always try to head-butt people in my dreams and it doesn't work out.


Dreamed I was at the skate park. We didn't have enough helmets, only I had one. Saulo had ot get one from a guy-this fumbling made me feel he was excited to have customers but nervous. Then charlotte came in and showed me her long long hair braided in 4 over more hair. Which was odd, since she was shaven last time I saw her.


My palms were steal, only claws and knives.